The Sermon on the Mount

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here is a sermon I preached on Sunday on Matthew 7:24-29, based on the premise that Jesus' impossible teachings in the Sermon on the Mount can only mean that the solid foundation he asks us to build on is grace. (I actually accomplished this without making the obvious reference to a certain Caedmon's Call song in the process.) Comments welcome.

The Sermon on the Mount by happinessforblessing

Best Picture 2011: Reviewing All 10 Nominees

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is the third year that I've reviewed all of the movies nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, but the first that I haven't dedicated a separate blog post to each one. I'm rather busy, what with the job and the upcoming baby and all. Oh, and did I mention that I now blog for a real website?

In any case, I did watch all 1o movies again and I've provided a short (in most cases) review for each one. In my opinion, this is one of the strongest years for nominees in recent memory, and I honestly liked all of them. The reviews, therefore, can sometimes take a negative tone, but that's because I'm nitpicking. I've ranked them all from #10 to #1 below. All you have to do is follow the jump.

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